Five Ways to Know if You’re Connecting With Your Customers

Consider this familiar scenario. You’ve just released a new product or service and you’ve created some marketing materials to announce it to potential customers.

You’re feeling proud of the accomplishment (as you should!) and excited about the new revenue potential. But how do you really know if you’re on the right track?

Connection equals sales

There is a MASSIVE difference between customers seeing your marketing materials and thinking to themselves,
“that’s cool” or “that could help”  versus them nodding their heads while saying to themselves:

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m dealing with!! I need this now!”

The latter response comes when your offering connects viscerally with your customer. This is where buying becomes a no-brainer, sales become organic, and people readily share with others.

Are you connecting?

Below are 5 tips to help you determine how effectively you’re connecting with your customers:

1. Dig into your website’s Google Analytics
Uncover how long viewers spend on your site and which pages have the longest browse time. This indicates what’s keeping people’s interest. Pay attention to the exit pages. If it’s not a purchase confirmation or contact form submission, it could mean that the content doesn’t resonate with your customers.

2. Install heat map analytics on your website
This provides a color coded picture of where users click, move, and scroll on your site. You may find that the logical flow you designed is not how people are moving through your site.

3. Test out your messaging on social media
If people like, comment, or share about your post then you’ve attracted their attention and gotten them to engage with you! Experiment with your messaging on social media before taking the time (and spending the money!) to redesign a web page or print new marketing materials.

4. Interview your customers and potential customers
Old-fashioned interviews provide rich data when you ask questions that elicit how your ideal customers think and feel when they experience the problem your product or service solves. The interviewees are literally telling you, “Here’s how to speak my language and show me you understand what I’m dealing with”!

5. Note what questions customers ask when they call or email you
Their questions tell you what people need to know before they’ll buy. Use this feedback to identify opportunities to improve your online descriptions.

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